Getting over a Heartbreak | Tips to lead a happy life
Heartbreaks, have been romanticized since ages, because yes! They are a real thing. Your heart can shatter into a million pieces and no one can even get a wind of it. But what sucks more is the fact that even you cannot do anything about it, except for yelling at people, "I'm okay" because a) People don't understand what you're going through b) If you tell them, you'll be the new subject of gossips and mockery in the corridors. We humans, have this awful habit of masking away our problems, trying not to deal with it. We conceal the truth, and feed ourselves with lies, why? Because that makes us feel better. Sometimes, we thrust heartbreaks upon ourselves, by not walking in the light of truth. I cannot even recall how many times, I made excuses for this one guy, who would randomly stop texting or calling me, not because he was busy, b...