Getting over a Heartbreak | Tips to lead a happy life

Heartbreaks, have been romanticized since ages, because yes! They are a real thing. Your heart can shatter into a million pieces and no one can even get a wind of it. 
But what sucks more is the fact that even you cannot do anything about it, except for yelling at people, "I'm okay" because 
           a) People don't understand what you're going through
           b) If you tell them, you'll be the new subject of gossips and mockery in the corridors.

We humans, have this awful habit of masking away our problems, trying not to deal with it. We conceal the truth, and feed ourselves with lies, why? Because that makes us feel better.

Sometimes, we thrust heartbreaks upon ourselves, by not walking in the light of truth. I cannot even recall how many times, I made excuses for this one guy, who would randomly stop texting or calling me, not because he was busy, but because he was busy with some other random girl. I was not ready to accept the fact that someone else was given the importance that I deserved, but ladies, one thing is for sure, a man doesn't say all that he is, but he sure as hell would make it evident with his actions. 
So, if your man is not texting you or calling you, it clearly implies, he doesn't want to. Now you might say, "what if his phone died?" yeah, that could be a possibility, but only once or twice. I mean, do you really think in this epoch of technology, anybody could go an hour without a phone? The answer is a big NO.

When it comes to guys, there is hardly any exception, owing to the fact that if they are attracted to a girl, they would by no means ignore her, in fact they would go, out of their way to be with her, or have a conversation with her, it took me quite long to accept this reality, and I in no way wish that you commit the same mistake.

Ask yourself, do you really wanna be with someone who considers you as a second option? No way. You deserve someone you treats you as their priority. 

 I mean why on earth you would wanna settle for less, when you deserve the best.

You know, rejection is normal and it can come in any form, getting replaced, being ignored and oh yes! The worst of all, breakups! 
The only question that resides at the back of our heads is that, why weren't we enough?  
But the truth might actually surprise you, that you are enough and yes, beautiful too, and the most arduous factor here is, acceptance. It’s okay to shatter, it’s okay to feel pain, because “that’s the thing about pain, it demands to be felt”, John Green said this dead on, in his book, ‘The fault in our stars’.
Pain only makes us human, but what’s crucial is what succeeds it, whether we break and allow the pain to wreck us or make our way through it, and accept it. The former is what most of the people do, but it only magnifies the problem. The only way out of this hellhole of heartbreak is accepting it and moving on. Which in no way, is anything even close to easy, but it’s the only way out. Now you can do this by many means,
1)     Finding a new hobby
2)     Spending more time on yourself
3)     Hanging out with friends
4)     Exercise (it elevates the mood)

But if you look clearly, there is one thing common in all, it is, distraction. In order to shift your focus from pain to happiness, you need to find yourself a distraction, it could be anything, a hobby, TV, sleep, food, and the list is endless. But according to science, the best way to avert your focus from something, is to get something exactly like that, but better. Now, if you’re getting the hint, it is clear in order to get over guy, you need to get a new guy, and don’t do this to make him jealous, but yourself happy.


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